Donate Data

Donate Data

Donate Data is a campaign under the Progresif For Schools initiative between Progresif and Ministry of Education (MOE) that aims to support students with the focus on the development of Teaching and Learning.

The initiative also focuses on a long-term collaboration to drive positive impact where it helps the students, teachers and parents to be part of these creative approaches, and also for being part of the Progresif-verse.

In February 2021, a platform was created to encourage engagement from the community for this good cause by enabling donation of internet data in monetary form, simply by sending an SMS.

Falling under our CSR pillar of ‘Education’, Progresif kickstarted the initiative by providing Fixed Broadband connections at schools selected by MOE. WiFi connectivity was made available at common areas such as libraries, practical rooms and canteens accessible to both teachers and students for learning and educational purposes.

In August 2021, this initiative collected over $10,000 which was initially planned to be converted to data and donated to the selected 10 schools through this programme.

In light of recent events, we are looking for new ways to support students at home. MOE identified over 350 students in need of data and Progresif has converted donations into 10GB SIM cards so that these students are able to have remote access to online learning.

More students will need your support to sustain their online learning experience. Contributions are welcome through our Webstore and via SMS

February 15, 2021