
Exclusive Promotions This Month

Frequently Asked Questions

With our latest partnership with Tech Haven, you can now enjoy low upfront prices for a range of MSI laptops at affordable instalments when bundled with Progresif Fibre plan for 18 months.

The Progresif Fibre MSI Bundle is only available for online purchase at However, you can visit your nearest Progresif Store for assistance and we will guide you through the registration process

Rent-to-Own (RTO) is a device payment plan that lets you purchase your device without having to pay a large sum at checkout. Instead, your payment will be broken down into smaller and more manageable monthly payments. 


You can find detailed information about our Rent-to-own (RTO) plans by visiting the following link:

Yes, all online purchases include free home delivery. However, if you prefer to do self-pick up, you can visit Tech Haven and bring along a copy of your receipt.

All mentioned MSI laptops come with a local warranty of 2 years.

This depends on your contract status. Please refer to the remarks below:


  1. I have an existing Progresif Fibre plan without contract and wish to upgrade:
    • There will be no processing fee as it is free.
    • However, you are required to pay any past due amounts before taking up the bundle
  2. I have a Progresif Fibre plan with an existing contract and wish to upgrade:
    • You will be eligible for re-contracting after meeting certain terms or duration. This includes as follows:
      • After the last successful 15 months of $0 upfront device, and/or
      • After the last successful 12 months of Low Upfront device purchase, and/or
      • After the last successful 12 months of Device Installment Plan
    • There will be no penalty fee as it is free.
    • However, you are required to pay any past due amounts before taking up the bundle
    • You are also required to pay off any remaining Installment Plan due (For devices under Installment / Contract)
    • Your contract will revert as the first month of an 18-month contract

This offer is not available when you wish to downgrade your plan.

You can only bundle one MSI laptop under your account.

You can register up to 5 Progresif Fibre plans under your account, however, you are not able to bundle more than one MSI laptop.

This bundle offer is only eligible for Bruneian Citizens and Permanent Residents.

For more information and assistance, you can contact us via WhatsApp at 822 0177, call us at 177, send us a direct message on our social media platforms, or visit your nearest Progresif Store.

Kami telah bekerjasama dengan Tech Haven untuk membawakan awda pelbagai laptop MSI dengan harga pendahuluan dan bayaran bulanan yang rendah apabila digabungkan dengan pelan Progresif Fibre selama 18 bulan.

Tawaran Progresif Fibre MSI Bundle ini hanya boleh didapatkan melalui pembelian online di Walau bagaimanapun, awda boleh mengunjungi cawangan Progresif yang berdekatan untuk mendapatkan bantuan bagi proses pendaftaran awda.

Rent-to-Own (RTO) is a payment plan that lets you purchase your device at a lower upfront price and flexible monthly payments. / Sewa-untuk-Milik adalah pelan pembayaran yang membolehkan awda untuk membeli device pada bayaran awal yang rendah dan bayaran bulanan yang fleksibel.

Ya, semua pembelian online termasuk penghantaran percuma ke rumah. Walau bagaimanapun, jika awda ingin mengambil sendiri, awda boleh mengunjungi Tech Haven dan membawa salinan resit awda.

Semua laptop-laptop MSI yang disebutkan di atas akan diberikan jaminan selama 2 tahun.

Ini tertakluk kepada status kontrak awda. Sila lihat kenyataan dibawah:



    1. Saya mempunyai pelan Progresif Fibre tanpa kontrak dan ingin menaik taraf:
      • Tiada yuran pemprosesan akan dikenakan kerana ia adalah percuma.
      • Walau bagaimanapun, awda dikehendaki membayar baki tertunggak sebelum mengambil bundle tersebut:


  1. Saya mempunyai pelan Progresif Fibre dengan kontrak sedia ada dan ingin menaik taraf:
    • Awda layak untuk memperbaharui kontrak semula setelah memenuhi syarat atau tempoh tertentu. Ini termasuk seperti berikut:
      • Setelah berjaya mencapai 15 bulan terakhir pada tawaran $0 pendahuluan peranti, dan/atau
      • Setelah berjaya mencapai 12 bulan terakhir pada tawaran peranti pendahuluan rendah, dan/atau
      • Setelah berjaya mencapai 12 bulan terakhir Pelan Ansuran Peranti
    • Tiada yuran penalti kerana ia adalah percuma.
    • Walau bagaimanapun, awda dikehendaki membayar apa-apa baki tertunggak sebelum mengambil bundle tersebut
    • Awda juga dikehendaki membayar sebarang baki Pelan Ansuran yang perlu dibayar (Untuk peranti di bawah Ansuran / Kontrak)
    • Kontrak anda akan kembali kepada bulan pertama bagi kontrak 18 bulan

Awda hanya boleh menggabungkan satu laptop MSI dibawah pelan Progresif Fibre awda.

Awda boleh mendaftar hingga 5 pelan Progresif Fibre pada akaun awda, tetapi awda tidak dibenarkan untuk menggabungkan lebih dari satu laptop MSI.
Tawaran bundle ini hanya layak bagi Warganegara Brunei Darussalam dan Penduduk Tetap.

Untuk maklumat lanjut dan bantuan, awda boleh menghubungi awda melalui WhatsApp di 822 0177, telefon kami di 177, hantarkan pesanan melalui media sosial atau mengunjungi cawangan Progresif yang berdekatan.