
Check out our bundles

Rent-to-Own on an 18-month contract


Device Instalment on a 24-month contract


Device Instalment on a 24-month contract


Frequently Asked Questions

Smart Security Bundle is our latest product in collaboration with AEGIS Security, that offers affordable security solutions for your home such as WiFi Cameras and Smart Door Locks that can be bundled with our Home WiFi plans on a 24-month contract. There is also a Rent-to-Own option that gives you flexible payment options for both individual and bundled offers on an 18-month contract.

No, the bundle is set and cannot be customised beyond the pre-defined packages offered.

Yes, the bundle includes technical support for the products. For further enquiries, you may reach out to AEGIS at +673 833 3839.

No, there is no additional cost to the bundle and we will deliver the devices to your doorstep at no extra cost. However, you may opt for installation services from AEGIS with additional charges as below:

Basic Package Camera Installation: $50.00

Premium Package Camera Installation: $70.00

Ultimate Package Camera Installation: $130.00

Smart Door Lock Installation (Wooden door with 40-42mm thickness): $100.00

Note: If you opt for installation by AEGIS, feel free to reach out to them directly and present your receipt for scheduling purposes.

  1. Basic Package – This package includes 2 WiFi Outdoor Solar Cameras and 1 Indoor WiFi Camera ideal for a 2 or 3-bedroom house.
  2. Premium Package – This package includes 4 WiFi Outdoor Solar Cameras and 2 Indoor WiFi Camera ideal for a 4 or 6-bedroom house.

Note: Please reach out to us to find out more about the Ultimate Package, which is tailored for larger households.

If you need the ultimate tier, tailored for even larger households, please feel free to reach out to us by contacting or visiting our branches. Our friendly sales staff will be happy to assist you.


You have the option to do the installation yourself. Progresif will deliver your devices to your home for free. However, please note that Progresif or AEGIS will not take responsibility for any issues that arise during installation done by third parties.

No, you cannot buy the products separately outside the pre-set bundle. However, you can get individual items through Rent-to-Own for 18 months.

You can only register for this bundle online at

The WiFi Camera comes with a 6-month warranty, while the Smart Door Locks have a warranty period of 12 months.

This depends on your contract status. Please find the details below:

  1. I currently have a plan with an existing contract and wish to upgrade:

- There will be no processing fee as it is free.

- However, you are required to pay any past due amounts before taking up the bundle.

2. I currently have a plan with an existing contract and wish to upgrade:

- You will be eligible to recontract if you meet certain terms or duration. This includes:

- After the last successful 15 months of $0 upfront device, and/or

- After the last successful 12 months of Low Upfront device purchase, and/or

- After the last successful 12 months of Device Installment Plan

- There will be no penalty free as it is free.

- However, you are required to pay any past due amounts before taking up the bundle

- You are also required to pay off any remaining Handset Installment Plan due (For devices under Installment / Contract)

- Your contract will be reverted to the first month of a 24-month contract.

If you wish to register to any of these plans without the bundle, you will be able to do so immediately with the above refreshed contract length.

No, this offer is not available for those who choose to downgrade their plan.

We only allow each IC holder to purchase one bundle per plan.

Even though you can register for up to five Home WiFi plans, we only allow one Smart Security bundle for every IC holder.

No, because this bundle is only available for Brunei citizens and Permanent Residents.

You can reach out to us by sending a WhatsApp message at 822 9177, calling 177, sending a DM on our socials, or visiting your nearest Progresif Store.

Smart Security Bundle adalah produk terbaru kami dengan kerjasama AEGIS Security yang menawarkan solusi keselamatan untuk rumah awda, seperti Kamera WiFi dan Smart Door Lock yang boleh digabungkan dengan pelan-pelan Home WiFi kami pada kontrak 24 bulan. Awda juga ada pilihan pembayaran fleksibel bagi produk individu atau gabungan dengan Rent-to-Own pada kontrak 18 bulan.

Tidak, bundle tersebut sudah ditetapkan dan tidak boleh diubahsuai melebihi pakej yang ditawarkan.

Ya, bundle tersebut termasuk sokongan teknikal untuk produk-produk. Untuk pertanyaan lanjut, awda boleh menghubungi AEGIS di +673 833 3839.

Tidak ada caj tambahan pada bundle ini dan kami akan menghantar ke rumah awda secara percuma. Walau bagaimanapun, awda boleh memilih AEGIS untuk membuat pemasangan dengan caj tambahan seperti berikut:

Pemasangan Kamera Basic Package: $50.00

Pemasangan Kamera Premium Package: $70.00

Pemasangan Kamera Ultimate Package: $130.00

Pemasangan Smart Door Lock (Pintu kayu setebal 40 – 42mm): $100.00

Nota: Jika awda memilih pemasangan dari AEGIS, sila hubungi mereka dan berikan resit awda untuk menetapkan jadual.

Awda mempunyai pilihan untuk membuat pemasangan sendiri. Progresif akan menghantar peranti-peranti ke rumah awda secara percuma. Walau bagaimanapun, Progresif atau AEGIS tidak akan mengambil tanggungjawab sekiranya ada masalah semasa pemasangan dibuat oleh pihak ketiga.

Tidak, awda tidak boleh membeli produk secara berasingan di luar bundle yang ditetapkan. Walau bagaimanapun, awda boleh mendapatkan barang individu melalui Rent-to-Own selama 18 bulan.

Awda hanya boleh mendaftar ke bundle ini secara online di

Kamera WiFi diberikan jaminan selama 6 bulan dan Smart Door Lock mempunyai jaminan selama 12 bulan.

Ini tertakluk kepada status kontrak awda. Sila semak maklumat yang diberikan di bawah:

  1. Saya mempunyai pelan tanpa kontrak dan ingin menaik taraf:

- Awda tidak dikenakan yuran pemprosesan kerana ia adalah percuma.

- Walau bagaimanapun, awda perlu membayar mana-mana bayaran yang tertunggak sebelum mendaftar ke bundle tersebut.

2. Saya mempunyai pelan dengan kontrak yang sedia ada dan ingin menaik taraf:

- Awda layak untuk menaik taraf jika awda memenuhi syarat atau tempoh seperti berikut:

- Setelah berjaya mencapai 15 bulan pada $0 upfront device, dan/atau

- Setelah berjaya mencapai 12 bulan pada pembelian Low Upfront device, dan/atau

- Setelah berjaya mencapai 12 bulan pada Device Installment Plan

- Awda tidak dikenakan yuran pemprosesan kerana ia adalah percuma

- Walau bagaimanapun, awda perlu membayar mana-mana bayaran tertunggak sebelum mendaftar ke bundle tersebut

- Awda juga perlu membayar mana-mana bayaran tertunggak bagi Handset Installment Plan (Untuk peranti di bawah ansuran / kontrak)

- Kontrak awda akan diperbaharui ke bulan pertama pada kontrak 24 bulan.

Jika awda ingin mendaftar ke mana-mana pelan tanpa bundle, awda boleh membuatnya secara langsung tanpa memperbaharui tempoh kontrak.

Tidak kerana tawaran ini tidak dibenarkan pelanggan menurunkan taraf pelan.

Kami hanya membenarkan setiap pemegang kad pengenalan untuk membeli satu bundle bagi setiap pelan.

Walaupun awda boleh mendaftar sehingga lima pelan Home WiFi, kami hanya membenarkan satu bundle Smart Security bagi setiap pemegang kad pengenalan.

Tidak, kerana bundle ini hanya bagi boleh didaftar oleh rakyat Brunei dan penduduk tetap.

Awda boleh menghubungi kami dengan menghantar mesej WhatsApp ke 822 9177, membuat panggilan ke 177, menghantar DM ke media sosial kami, atau kunjungi cawangan Progresif yang berdekatan.